Biblioteka Publiczna w Łomiankach - KATALOG

Biblioteka Publiczna

w Łomiankach


I want my hat back

Autor: Klassen, Jon.

The bear`s hat is gone, and he wants it back. Patiently and politely, he asks the animals he comes across, one by one, whether they have seen it. Each animal says no, some more elaborately than others. But just as it he begins to lose hope, lying flat on his back in despair, a deer comes by and asks a rather obvious question that suddenly sparks the bear`s memory and renews his search with a vengeance. Told completely in dialogue, this quirky take on the classic repetitive tale plays out in sly illustrations laced with visual humour and winks at the reader with a wry irreverence that will have kids of all ages thrilled to be in on the joke.

Odpowiedzialność:Jon Klassen.
Adres wydawniczy:London ; Boston ; Sydney ; Auckland : Walker Books, copyright 2012.
Opis fizyczny:[40] stron : ilustracje kolorowe ; 28 cm.
Uwagi:Tekst w języku angielskim.
Powiązane zestawienia:Książki w języku angielskim (dla dzieci)
Skocz do:Inne pozycje tego autora w zbiorach biblioteki
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Biblioteka Gł.
ul. Wiejska 12a

Sygnatura: ANG. BD
Numer inw.: 68288
Dostępność: można wypożyczyć na 30 dni


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