Misery [ang.]
Misery Chastain is dead. Paul Sheldon has just killed her - with relief, with joy. Misery has made him rich; she was the heroine of a string of bestsellers. And now he wants to get on to some real writing.
That`s when the car accident happens, and he wakes up in pain in a strange bed. But it isn`t hospital. Annie Wilkes has pulled him from the wreck, brought him to her remote mountain home, splinted and set his mangled legs.
The good news is that Annie was a nurse and has pain-killing drugs. The bad news is that she has long been Paul`s Number One Fan. And when she finds out what Paul had done to Misery, she doesn`t like it. She doesn`t like it at all.
Odpowiedzialność: | Stephen King. |
Hasła: | Choroby psychiczne Pisarze Uprowadzenie Stany Zjednoczone (USA) Horror Powieść Literatura amerykańska |
Adres wydawniczy: | London : Hodder & Stoughton, copyright 2011. |
Opis fizyczny: | [8], 369 stron ; 20 cm. |
Uwagi: | Na okładce: Paul Sheldon used to write for a living. Now, he`s writing to stay alive. Tekst w języku angielskim. |
Forma gatunek: | Książki. Proza. |
Powstanie dzieła: | 1987 r. |
Skocz do: | Inne pozycje tego autora w zbiorach biblioteki |
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